Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Natasha & Scott's Wedding at the Ranch Restaurant

What an amazing honour to photograph Tasha & Scott's wedding. I consider Tasha a sister already and being apart of that day was so exciting. She was so beautiful and mesmerizing and not your typical bride in any way! She had a unique cocktail wedding dress and rode in to the ceremony with Scott on their bicycles to the song by Queen, "Bicycle". Incredible wedding, incredible couple. This wedding was a true reflection of their love and so very meaningful. and there was an abundance of food too which was amazing!


  1. great work Vitalia!
    i think my fav is the one of them both hanging out the window - awesome!

  2. A truly unique wedding and you captured it wonderfully!

    I love the Ninja stance ;-)

    My favourite has to be of them exchanging vows with the bike in the foreground though. Beautifully done. Jarusha's nod does rank a close second.

    You certainly had a fantastic group of people to work with though!

  3. Outstanding! I have to show this to my sister because she is the photographer for my wedding. It is going to be her 10th project and I know I can explain easily everything to her. She helped me finalize one of the gorgeous event venues Chicago for the wedding day as well.
